ラブラブラなニュースをお届けっ💕 パパチワワは有名犬舎のカッコいいリタくん✨、そしてママチワワはお鼻がキュートな美人さん🐶💖。この素敵な2匹から生まれたイケメンチワワくんのオーナーを募集しています!あなたの家族になる準備はできていますよ🐾。
🌟For all you little Chihuahua lovers🌟
We have some lovely news for you💕 The daddy Chihuahua is the cool Rita from a famous kennel✨, and the mommy Chihuahua is a beautiful girl with a cute nose🐶💖. We are looking for an owner for the handsome Chihuahua born from these two lovely dogs! He is ready to become your family🐾.
The price is also very reasonable, so please consider this opportunity🉐. In addition, we are distributing discount coupons to those who register with our official LINE🎉✨. For details, please see the link in our profile📲✨.
I can't stop being excited about a new life with an adorable Chihuahua😍! Please check it out now💫
I'm Puppy Land Cherie, a Chihuahua breeder in Saitama Prefecture🏠